
10 Benefits Of uPVC Windows

When it comes to glazing for your home, there are a number of options to choose from and from timber to aluminium frames, each style comes with its own set of benefits. Here are 10 reasons why uPVC windows are a fantastic choice. 

1. Energy efficiency

uPVC windows are frequently hailed as the high performance option. Their insulation properties mean that your home or office will work to retain heat in the winter, and cool air in the summer. So not only will you save money on your energy bills, you’ll also reduce your carbon footprint.

2. Comfort

With uPVC windows, you’ll be guaranteed higher levels of comfort throughout the year. Their quality insulation and draft proofing mean that you’ll be kept at the perfect temperature, no matter what the season.

3. Fire safety

Unlike their wooden counterparts, uPVC windows are difficult to ignite, and therefore ensure improved standards of fire safety in your property.

4. Reduced condensation

Due to uPVC windows superior insulation properties, you’ll be able to keep your windowpanes at a warmer temperature. This is good news for your home, as it will prevent water vapour from settling, and going on to cause other household problems such as damp.

5. Lower cost

Whilst offering many other benefits, uPVC windows are in fact an inexpensive option when compared to aluminium and wooden frames.

6. Reduced noise 

As with all quality glazing, uPVC windows will allow you to keep unwanted outdoor noise out of earshot.

7. Durability

Where wooden frames can rot and warp due to inclement weather, uPVC provides a much more durable option.

8. Security

While aluminium window frames offer the highest levels of property security, uPVC frames certainly aren’t far behind. Each time you leave your home, you’ll be safe in the knowledge that your windows are providing a high level of protection.

9. Aesthetics

When you choose uPVC frames, you won’t have to compromise their appearance. Available in a range of colours and finishes, you’re sure to find the perfect match for your home.

10. Low maintenance

Due to their propensity to rot and flake, wooden window frames demand attention every five years, with different paints and varnishes. uPVC windows, on the other hand give a low maintenance solution. And apart from needing to give your windows the occasional wipe down, you’ll be able to put your efforts to something else more interesting!

If you have any other questions about uPVC windows then please feel free to give us a call. We install uPVC windows in Falkirk and uPVC windows in Stirling . If you live outwith these areas please still get in touch, we do work in other areas.